Friday, April 24, 2009


Jeremy Tyler, a high school Junior from San Diego, is doing something truly unique (at least for an American athlete in his sport of choice). I'm really intrigued by this story just as I was, and am, for the story of Brandon Jennings, another trailblazing baller from SoCal. This dude is going overseas to play professional basketball in Europe. In most other sports if you are good enough you can be paid to play regardless of your age. Look at the pros in tennis, golf, baseball, swimming, soccer, skate boarding, etc. I think the NBA made a huge mistake a few years back by restricting the age of eligibility to 19+. It's a huge joke, David Stern claims that its for the benefit of the players, but in reality its a benefit to the league. It's providing them with marketability and name recognition from the day they are drafted. I am going to keep an eye on the career of these players because it is going to have a huge impact on the NBA (MY favorite pro sport).

Watch this.

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