Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Not thrilled

I don't really think that signing Artest as opposed to Ariza makes the Lakers any better. Honestly I believe that RonRon is not the elite on ball defender that he once was and he dominates the ball and throws up garbage out of offense shots. The Lakers have lost the spark to their defense and fast break offense as well as one of the better team defenders in the league.

Ariza played exactly the role that the Lakers needed him to play. He was able to guard quick PG's. Artest doesn't have the lateral quickness nor the length and speed to do that. Ariza never held onto the ball, he got his offense by slashing and spotting up. Artest needs the ball in his hands to score, I'm afraid this will mean less shots taken by Pau (one of the leagues most efficient scorers).

I really don't buy the talk that this makes Kobe free to not guard the opposing teams best player. Usually he didn't last season as he had Ariza to fill that role. Also this makes the team much slower, The Lakers were a very efficient offensive team last year and now they are adding a player that regularly stands at the top of the key looking confused before heaving a bullshit shot. He shoots just 40% from the field (terrible) and only takes about 4 free throws a game, there is nothing efficient about that.

I also don't buy the talk that he'll be a different player next to Kobe and under Phil. I believe that at this point of his career he is what he is, it is foolish to think otherwise.

All that being said, whats done is done. I hope that Ariza blossoms into the player I know he can. I also hope that I'm completely wrong about Artest and that he fits into the team and triangle seamlessly. Either way I anticipate going to a Laker victory parade next summer with Yak and KHo.

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