Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Destroyer or the Creator?

Must read article from Henry Abbott of

Im tired of hearing this story:

A Destructive Force, Dangerous. That's the idea. He's a gunslinger. He leads the
league in stepping on opponent's throats.

He cares less about
others, and that's the defining greatness of Kobe
Bryant, as the story is told.
I'm much more interested in this one. I've seen numerous times over the past few
years where stars have talked of Kobe asking about their signature move and then
using it to beat them. I'ts truly amazing, and unique as far as I know.

(He) Will not only use All-Star Weekend to ask Gary Payton how to defend the
screen and roll, as told in Lazenby's "The Show," but then immediately
implements the advice and goes, over a weekend, from being a liability to an
all-NBA defender?
Dude is incredible. When we look at the amazing way that he thinks and how that translates to his game, it's apparent he will go down as one of the 5 best players in basketball history.

Read the Article here.

I met him last summer before the Olympics, he was amazing, he took a few minutes to talk to me and 3 year old son (a huge Power Rangers fan who calls Kobe, "Kobe Bryant Megazord", in reference to the huge unstoppable machines that the rangers fight Godzilla like monsters with).
It was really a great interaction, he signed the stuff that we brought for him to sign and then signed my all black Lakers fitted that my son had on his head, while chatting with me about the season that just passed and the upcoming Olympics. To all of the people that claim he is fake, I didn't sense any of that. Kobe stopped by this event in between training sessions for his youth basketball academy and he seemed very happy to do all of it.

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