Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Am I the only one that sees the connection?

I haven't seen or heard any connections being made between these two instances but to me it's obvious there should be. With the type of situations that have involved athletes the last few years it makes me think I'd carry too. Darrent Williams shot and killed. Sean Taylor shot and killed. Richard Collier shot and paralyzed. Antoine Walker robbed at gunpoint in home invasion. Eddy Curry robbed at gunpoint in home invasion. More Here.

Plaxico was stupid for a number of reasons: 1. safety off, 2. gun loose in waistband, 3. no armed security with him. It's unfortunate that people in positions of success have been victimized because of it. If you look at Burress' situation and that of T.I. also it makes you see why they were carrying weapons. I mean is it better to decide to live your life and carry protection or abandon your life and live secluded and paranoid? I would probably choose the first option also. But dude broke the law and got caught so now he is gonna end up paying both in lost income and lost freedom.

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