Tuesday, December 2, 2008

$1 a year

Alan Mulally, Ford's CEO, has vowed to work for a dollar a year if Ford accepts any money from congress. He also points out that they probably won't have to take any of the bailout money because they are in a better liquidity position than the other two American auto-makers. Hey, I appreciate this dudes balls in making a statement like that though, with this type of leadership and ideas it sounds like he may be one of the only corporate CEOs worth his pay.
GM probably has the likeliest chance of going under if their is no bailout for them. On the real I have a hard time imagining an America without the Corvette, or Cadillac, or Chevy Trucks. If these guys go under it will have a huge effect on the economy and many peoples jobs, lets hope it doesn't happen.
To read more click here.

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