Tuesday, June 16, 2009

15 Rings

Finally, 7 seasons since their last 'Chip they've added another trophy to the collection. Re-reading that last sentance (especially the "finally") made me realize how spoiled us Laker fans are, thats what a history of greatness will do. No more debate about these issues. The Lakers are the best team in all of sports. They've played for a championship in half of the leagues 60 years, and won a quarter of all NBA championships, in fact they've only missed the playoffs 5 times. Kobe is the best in Basketball, It's not time to debate this, it's truer now than ever before. Really analyze the season that just passed and the dominating playoffs that Kobe just played, He averages over 30 pts. 5 rebs. and 5 ast. and did it more efficiently and effectively than anyone else playing today and hardly anyone mentions the amazingness of it. It is just part of Kobe, people hate the man and he continues to take what he wants. And lastly Phil Jackson is the greatest coach in American sports history. 10 rings in 18 seasons, unbeleivable. Oh yeah, and when his career is over Pau will go down as one of the best offensive big men EVER, mark my words. It's great to be a fan! Los Angeles championship city!

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