Monday, May 18, 2009

Ocho mas!

That was a huge improvement over Thursdays embarassing defeat to the Rockets (Red Glare). Trevor Ariza set the defensive tone (as is his usual role) for this game early, jumping passing lanes and just really playing with high energy. Pau was dominant in scoring 21 with 18 rebounds, mostly done while scowling or screaming. Andrew Bynum played by far his best post-season game, especially on the defensive end, he looked patient and under control (very happy to see that). And Kobe was Kobe. Lakers won 89-70. 8 MORE TO GO!

Speaking of which if you haven't seen "Kobe: Doin Work" watch it. It's very entertaining, enlightening and cinematic. My wife loved the movie, it showed her a fuller picture of the game as well as some insight into how it's played by the pros. I truely enjoyed watching her watch the movie, maybe she'll be more of a fan now.

Some short vids here. Watch it on ESPN.

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