Friday, February 6, 2009

Update on "the knee"

From the Lakers Blog at

A discussion with ESPN correspondent Dr. Michael Kaplan (not 'Drew's Doctor)

While stressing that he hasn't seen the MRI film and that Bynum's tear grade
(1-3, three being the worst) hasn't been made public, Kaplan thought it was
"relatively safe" to guess that the 8-12 week time line for recovery was "rather
conservative." Working in Drew's favor is his age and his other
ligaments being theoretically fine, which reduces the chance of stiffness.
Said Kaplan, "My bet is that he'll be back in advance of that, not
knowing, of course, the specifics of his scan and having the liberty of
examining him." Obviously, no promises are being offered, but that's
certainly a reason for hopeful smiles.

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