Thursday, January 8, 2009


Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

This shit is too funny. Apple users are silly. They think that they are part of some cool cultural club, or some shit like that. I have an iPhone (that I love by the way - even though I'm talking shit) and the one thing it can't do is send/receive picture messages. I asked the dude at the Apple store "whats up with that?" and he started going on and on about how they "only do things the right way and they have to make the user interface better and it would have to be compatible with every cellular carrier and blah blah blah". If a twenty dollar throw away pay as you go phone has this figured out than why not them? Because they are pretentious asses that only want to do things their way - "we have email picture messaging though". They think that anyone cool enough to own an iPhone should only associate with other iPhone users I guess.

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